When you Disrupt an Overload Champion, it will shut down for a moment, opening itself up to attack. You’ll need weapons or abilities that can Disrupt to handle these.

Their whole shtick is they track you down, deal large amounts of damage, and refuse to relent until you kill them. Overload Champions are extremely aggressive. Overload Champions Overload Champions are denoted by a little circle Bungie via Polygon The new Eriana’s Vow Exotic is inherently a Shield-Piercing weapon. There are weapon mods like Anti-Barrier Rounds and Anti-Barrier Hand Cannon that allow some guns to Shield-Pierce - you can get them from your Artifact. Without a weapon with this ability, you cannot kill a Barrier Champion. To pierce the shield, you need Shield-Piercing weapons. You cannot break this barrier with conventional weapons, and it will continually heal the enemy inside. But when a Barrier Champion reaches about half health, it will stop and spawn a shield around itself.

Barrier Champions Barrier Champions are denoted by a little triangle Bungie via Polygonīarrier Champions function like any other enemy in Destiny 2 - you shoot them, and they take normal amounts of damage.
#Defeat enemies with shatter damage how to#
Here’s how to get the mods and weapons you need to defeat these difficult champions. It requires very specific preparation on the part of you and your Fireteam. To kill these guys, you’ll need a special kind of weapon or a special kind of mod. You’ll find them scattered around the world or in the Nightfall: The Ordeal. In Destiny 2: Shadowkeep, there are three new types of enemies: Barrier Champions, Unstoppable Champions, and Overload Champions.